Reporting a Motorcycle That Isn't Safe for Riding

We want your Twisted Road experience to be as safe and enjoyable as possible, but on rare occasions, a motorcycle may not be safe for riding. When this happens, we want to remove it from Twisted Road as quickly as possible.

There are three steps all riders should follow if they determine that a motorcycle is unsafe for riding:

1. Don't ride the motorcycle. For your own safety, we strongly advise you to ever get on a motorcycle if you feel like it is unsafe.

2. Tell the owner. Please notify the owner that you are concerned about riding his/her motorcycle.

3. Tell Twisted Road. Contact Twisted Road and let us know why you think this motorcycle is unsafe. Please send us images so we can be more familiar with the issues you are experiencing.

Please remember that you will be charged if you decide to ride the vehicle. If you determine that the vehicle is unsuitable for riding, Twisted Road will not refund any days you've had the motorcycle in your possession, and we won't reimburse riders for the costs to return the motorcycle back to the owner.